The Wonderful Wonton


Does anyone really not like the wonderful wonton?

My favourite are deep fried wontons, hot and crispy with some sort of sweet, sticky, spicy sauce to dip them into.

Although they are quite a lot of work to make, I find the process relaxing and the end result tasty.  I remember making them with my son and spending an hour or so filling and folding.  It’s an activity that most kids will enjoy doing.  Be sure to make extras for late night snacking or putting in lunches as an extra treat.

Since you are in control of the fillings wontons are really versatile.  For more traditional fillings, use crumbled fake ‘meat’ for the vegetarians or real meat for the carnivores – same everything else.  Chopped vegetable mixtures would be wonderful as are mixtures of cheese and fruit.

As I try to cut out some of the transfats, I will be working towards improving my technique on steaming – as this is the most healthy method.  The last time I tried to make them was an absolute disaster.  After an hour or two of work, I ended up over steaming the poor wontons… a very scary, gooey mess resulted.

Another technique would be to oven bake the wontons.  A oiled baking sheet will probably have to be used and perhaps a light spray on top to give the effect of fried crispiness.  I will write when I have had the time to get this experiment underway.

I have not checked but the store bought wrappers that I have bought in the past have not been gluten free.  I will be on the lookout at our local specialty grocery stores for a gluten free version.  Using zucchini I have made a raw version of wontons and I have also made dough made with vegetables, flax and sometimes various nuts with my dehydrator that ended up with a product that resembled a wonton wrapper.